What We Do
Where did it all start?
The founder of Wisteria Cat Rescue is myself Billy I’m originally from South London but moved to Kent many years ago I’m a son to two fantastic parents and 3 brothers and one sister I’m the middle child.
Growing up we was always surrounded by pets and cats were always my favourite I just loved the freedom they had and how every day was a new challenge to them.
I left school at the age of 14 as I just wasn’t fitting in, but immediately I began working as a fruit and veg barrer boy and my god did I love it “roll up roll up get your rock hard tomatoes 49p a pound” yes you can just imagine It.
My career then moved around and I did many of jobs but finally fell on my feet, landing a job as cabin crew for Thomas Cook for 8 years until the collapse of the business last year. My god did I enjoy it.
All the while I was very heavily involved in helping cats and kittens working with some of the most passionate dedicated and educated people I had come across. Assisting with TNR (trap neuter and rehome schemes) as well as collecting dumped and unwanted cats and kittens.
This year with the change in life due to Covid 19 I have started my own independent journey with “Wisteria Cat Rescue” this Bonds my love for the flower Wisteria and my huge love for cats (the two together don’t mix)
My mission is to independently manage and support feral and stray colonies through (TNR) and re home to better and much suitable living conditions, this will in turn support the amount of cats and kittens going onto the larger charity’s waiting lists” I will of course along the way take in any cats that I possibly can that are being surrendered either through the loss of their owner or simply because their owners can no longer cope.
W- Welfare (the welfare of any cats/kittens in my care is number 1)
C- Communicate (communicate effectively with the general public and educate the importance of neutering and caring for your animals)
R- Respond (respond to questions/ enquiries and support within a reasonable amount of time)
My life currently consists of a very patient partner, that luckily shares my passion for animal welfare
8 cats
2 dogs
Oh and a part time job lol
Since starting this our witty group it’s been lovely to receive the comments/emails/messages/likes. It means the absolute world to me beyond words. Please keep up the Wisty love.
Warm wishes and Covid Hugs
Wisterious fans xx
Help us, help them.
Our team work around the clock to provide the very best care for all unwanted, dumped and mistreated cats and kittens in our area.
Please continue to support our work, by clicking below to our ‘Ways to Donate’ page and donating to our cause today. Thank-you x