Our Team
Our Team
We wouldn’t be where we are today without our amazing team of dedicated volunteers. Each and every one of them plays such an amazing part in our charity and we are truly blessed to have them by our side. You can find out more about the team and a bit more about them below. If you are interested in volunteering for us please email info@wisteriacatrescue.org
Billy - CEO
At the centre of all this activity is Billy, the heart and soul of Wisteria. Through his commitment we have helped over 250 cats in our first six months. He has worked ceaselessly to help other cat owners during the pandemic, as well as holding down a day job and working with partner rescues around Kent. The man’s energy is as boundless as his enthusiasm is infectious. He is ably supported by Grant and between them they run and promote this lovely charity.
Joo - Head of Fundraising
Hi everyone, my name's Julianne but I've always been known as Joo since I was a toddler.
Myself and my daughter were involved in a cat hoarding case a few years ago and Billy reached out to us and ended up taking every single one of them. We ended up working on a few other cases together too.
I've always had rescued animals in my life and we currently have three horses and our dog Joey. Our next door neighbours cat Gus has decided a couple of years ago he wants to live with us 50% of his time. Good job his daddy, my neighbour is ok with his decision! You can regularly see Joey and Gus in my live videos when I'm drawing the raffle on our wisteria cat rescue fundraiser page on FB.
I feel very privileged to have gained Billy as one of my best friends over the past few years and love being able to help raise money for such a fabulous cause.
Tracey - Fosterer
Hello there, I’m Tracey, I started fostering for Billy when the charity started. I have always wanted to be in the position to help with animal charities but never had time. I have worked as an Animal Nursing Assistant on and off since 1990, trained as a vet nurse but didn't pass my exams unfortunately. I foster pregnant or poorlies so I can use my experience in this area. I love being able to help where I can with Wisteria and Billy is lovely.
Lindsey, Bob, Ryley and Reiss -Fosterers
Having followed Wisteria during lockdown we wanted to give something back and felt we could offer a secure safe environment in order for Billy to help take in more cats and kittens.
This is a true family affair with all of us pitching in with the day to day care of the new recruits. We are all invested in providing love and attention which has been enriching our day to day lives.
We had our first recruits in March four kittens all named after Easter eggs, followed by the coffee crew (4 kittens and gorgeous mummy).
Working from home and lockdown has made many people evaluate what is really important and we wanted to give physical time back to help them on the path to their forever homes and at the same time teach the children to love, help and care for the cats and kittens.
Whilst we are looking after the cats and kittens they are really helping us with our well-being. Thanks Billy for letting us be apart of this adventure.
Kirsty - Fosterer and Transport
Hi I'm Kirsty. So where do I start? I've always loved animals and have a mixture at home now. I take on anything that needs a forever home. My background in rescue started at the CPL in 2007, I spent 5 years there gaining experience and knowledge to help me now. In 2016 we started fostering sighhounds through a charity in Essex and ended up failing on the 4th hound. I came across Billy and Wisteria early 2021 and knew then I needed to get back helping those in need. I do a bit of everything at the rescue. I've fostered over 50 cats and kittens so far at my home and only foster failed once! I love what I do, its so rewarding.
Dawn - Fosterer
Hi I’m Dawn. I have always been a massive animal lover & have had pets my whole life. At home we currently have 2 spaniels, 2 cats & Dave the tortoise! Il be the first to admit there is definitely potential for me to become a crazy cat lady! I started following Billy & Wisteria on fb earlier in the year when he helped with a friends cat and after selling my coffee shop, I am now lucky enough to have extra time on my hands, working from a home studio, making cakes.
So we made a few tweaks to our spare room & I started my journey as a foster mummy for Billy and am loving it.
Louise - Homing officer and Fosterer
Hi! I'm Louise, I only heard about Wisteria December 2020, started donating with all the things my fussy rescue cat wouldn't use, then before I knew it I was fostering and helping with adoptions! I've been lucky enough to foster some absolutely gorgeous cats, including Summer my first foster to foster failing hard with number 13 little Waterloo. I tend to foster the little ones that need extra love and healing.