Gift Aid
Boost your donation with Gift Aid.
Gift Aid makes an enormous difference to Wisteria Cat Rescue because it can increase your donation by 25%!
Gift aid explained …
❤️ If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid allows Wisteria Cat Rescue to claim back 25p from the Inland Revenue for every £1 that you give i.e. If you give £10 to WCR and “Gift Aid It”, the Inland Revenue will pay us an additional £2.50 (at no extra cost to you!), increasing your donation to £12.50.
❤️ You must pay income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the amount that we will reclaim from the Inland Revenue on your donations.
❤️ For higher rate taxpayers there is an added advantage in that you can reclaim the marginal rate of tax for yourself by entering details of your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment form.
❤️ Please remember, that if your circumstances change and you no longer pay enough tax, it is important to tell the charities that you support.
Finally … if you have any queries in relation to Gift Aid, then please contact us at accounts@wisteriacatrescue.org
Simply download the PDF Gift Aid Declaration and return the completed form to us at accounts@wisteriacatrescue.org